Ministri turizma Mauricijusa i Sejšela razmjenjuju ideje

Napisao Alain St.Ange

The Mauritius Minister of Tourism Anil Gayan was on a working visit in Seychelles last week and held discussions with Minister Didier Dogley, the island’s Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine.


The Mauritius Minister of Tourism Anil Gayan was on a working visit in Seychelles last week and held discussions with Minister Didier Dogley, the island’s Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine.

This was the opportunity for the two Ministers holding the portfolio of tourism to exchange ideas on matters affecting the region and its tourism industry. Minister Dogley of the Seychelles will be taking over the Presidency of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands at the end of the year. This grouping that has Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte has been successful in pushing forward the Indian Ocean as a tourism region. The Presidency is on a rotational basis and Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles was the first President of the organisation, but every island of the Organisation has now held the Presidency and it is the turn of Seychelles to once again lead the Region.

Minister Anil Gayan of Mauritius also made time to meet with the two previous Seychellois Ministers of Tourism. He sat in as a delegate at a conference where Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne was in the chair and he made time to meet with former Minister Alain St.Ange. Tourism is all about relationships and friendships and Minister Anil Gayan continues to work tourism in Mauritius with the spirit of keep close to all his friends.

Both islands followed the spirit of recognising culture as the base for its tourism industry. Culture and everything cultural brings press to the islands and ensures visibility. Seychelles has amalgamated its annual April Carnival with their October Festival Kreol and hosts a number of other cultural based events. Mauritius also has it Festival Creole and is now set to also have an annual Carnival in November. They also have a suit of other cultural activities that touches on all the historical lines of the island.


  • Ange of the Seychelles was the first President of the organisation, but every island of the Organisation has now held the Presidency and it is the turn of Seychelles to once again lead the Region.
  • He sat in as a delegate at a conference where Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne was in the chair and he made time to meet with former Minister Alain St.
  • Tourism is all about relationships and friendships and Minister Anil Gayan continues to work tourism in Mauritius with the spirit of keep close to all his friends.

O autoru

Alain St.Ange

Alain St Ange radi u turističkom biznisu od 2009. godine. Imenovao ga je predsjednik i ministar turizma James Michel za direktora marketinga za Sejšele.

Predsjednik i ministar turizma James Michel imenovao ga je za direktora marketinga za Sejšele. Nakon godinu dana

Nakon godinu dana službe, unaprijeđen je na poziciju izvršnog direktora Turističke zajednice Sejšela.

2012. godine formirana je regionalna organizacija Vanilla Islands Indijskog okeana i St Ange je imenovan za prvog predsjednika organizacije.

U rekonstrukciji kabineta 2012. godine, St Ange je imenovan za ministra turizma i kulture na koju je podnio ostavku 28. decembra 2016. kako bi se kandidirao za generalnog sekretara Svjetske turističke organizacije.

na UNWTO Generalne skupštine u Chengduu u Kini, osoba koja je bila tražena za “Speakers Circuit” za turizam i održivi razvoj bio je Alain St.Ange.

St.Ange je bivši ministar turizma, civilnog zrakoplovstva, luka i pomorstva Sejšela koji je napustio funkciju u decembru prošle godine kako bi se kandidirao za poziciju generalnog sekretara UNWTO. Kada je njegova zemlja povukla njegovu kandidaturu ili dokument o podršci samo dan prije izbora u Madridu, Alain St.Ange je pokazao svoju veličinu kao govornika kada se obratio UNWTO okupljanje sa gracioznošću, strašću i stilom.

Njegov dirljivi govor zabilježen je kao jedan od najboljih obilježavanja govora u ovom međunarodnom tijelu UN-a.

Afričke zemlje se često sjećaju njegovog obraćanja u Ugandi za Istočnoafričku turističku platformu kada je bio počasni gost.

Kao bivši ministar turizma, St.Ange je bio redovan i popularan govornik i često je viđen kako se obraća na forumima i konferencijama u ime svoje zemlje. Njegova sposobnost da govori 'nezavisno' uvijek se smatrala rijetkom sposobnošću. Često je govorio da govori iz srca.

Na Sejšelima ga pamte po prigodnom obraćanju na zvaničnom otvaranju ostrvskog Carnaval International de Victoria kada je ponovio reči čuvene pesme Džona Lenona...” Možete reći da sam sanjar, ali nisam jedini. Jednog dana ćete nam se svi pridružiti i svijet će biti bolji kao jedan”. Svjetski novinarski kontigent okupljen na Sejšelima tog dana trčao je s riječima St.Angea koje su posvuda došle do naslova.

St.Ange je održao uvodno obraćanje na “Turističkoj i poslovnoj konferenciji u Kanadi”

Sejšeli su dobar primjer za održivi turizam. Stoga ne čudi da je Alain St.Ange tražen kao govornik na međunarodnom krugu.

Član Travelmarketingnetwork.

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