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As the demand for babies increases (projected to reach $51.51 billion for 2030), individual clinics are expanding the use of the internet as a source of patients, designing websites favored by international target markets and include such options as sex selection, a service not universally available. The clinics also use word-of-mouth marketing enlisting satisfied customers to help recruit others and an increased in number of brokers (i.e., travel agencies and fertility specialists) who offer information or arrange trips involving clinics abroad.

As clinics become larger, they may establish multi-jurisdictional partnerships or affiliations such as the relationship between an American clinic and a Romanian lab recruiting egg donors in Romania, fertilizing the eggs in Bucharest and then shipped back to the United States, allowing the patient to realize savings both in the price of the eggs and the medical procedures. The Fertility Institute lists offices in New York, Los Angeles, as well as a presence in Mexico, and India including a network of over 240 associated US and international fertility centers.

Znajte prije nego što krenete

One way to determine the quality and reliability of a fertility clinic is to review the Global Clinic Rating (GCR -www.gcr.org), the leading provider of healthcare clinic ratings worldwide. The organization aggregates and analyzes fertility clinics throughout Europe including Spain, UK, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Poland, Switzerland and Germany. The clinics are compared to other clinics in Europe on the level of apparent expertise, services, facilities, and patient feedback collected by the clinic. The GCR feedback score also includes patient rating scores from Google and Facebook plus other independent rating providers.

In 2018 IVF Spain (Alicante, Spain) took first place with a GCR score of 4.56 based on data from 1,807 fertility/clinics monitored worldwide. In second place – Sanatorium Helois (Czech Republic) with a score of 4.52. Embryolab (Thessaloniki, Greece) took third place with a score of 4.36. All three clinics scored 5.0 for their Facilities score. It is important to note that the scores are very fluid and should be checked for current research.

Istraživanje i plan

Before embarking on a Google tour of fertility clinics around the world, it is important to acknowledge that the decision to use IVF is realistic and may even be affordable. Once there is acceptance of fertility status it may be important to seek counseling and/or coaching to come to terms with the reality of the situation and evaluate the various options. It is critical that individuals and couples understand the diagnosis. research treatments and locales and be realistic about risks and rewards. The next “homework” is to check legislation/regulatory safeguards that apply in different countries (i.e., do they treat single women, same sex couples, do you need a travel or health visa).

Developing a viable budget is the next “to do” and it must be realistic in terms of costs and success rates applicable to the specific diagnosis and age. It is also important to determine if support is provided to international patients and speak directly with former clients of the clinic(s) being considered. Arrange a visit and/or online consult with the clinic(s) of interest and interview the team responsible for your care. As you narrow your clinic selection(s), request a final cost proposal and suggestions/recommendations as to additional expenses that could be incurred. Last, but by no means least consider the costs and time associated with travel and related out -of-pocket expenses as well as time away from work.

Once the decision has been made, create a support group and a team of local healthcare professionals who will be available in the case of emergencies once you return home.

FertilityTourism.8 | eTurboNews | eTN
Želim bebu: Putujte sa svrhom!

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Dr. Elinor Garely - specijalno za eTN i glavni urednik wines.travel

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