Policija: 11 ljudi ubijeno, 6 ranjeno, osumnjičeni ubijen u krvoproliću u Virdžiniji Biču


Eleven people have been killed and six more injured, including a police officer, at a municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The suspect, identified as a disgruntled city employee, was killed in a shootout with police.

Police Chief Jim Cervera identified the suspect as a “long-time employee of public utilities” who entered the municipal building shortly after 4 pm local time and “began to indiscriminately fire.” He fired on police officers when they arrived on the scene, injuring one officer in the process, and was killed when police returned fire.

“This is the most devastating day in the history of Virginia Beach,” Mayor Bobby Dyer said.

Sentara Healthcare has confirmed a total of five patients have been admitted to its Virginia Beach General hospital, with another one airlifted to Norfolk General, presumably with more serious injuries.


  • Police Chief Jim Cervera identified the suspect as a “long-time employee of public utilities” who entered the municipal building shortly after 4 pm local time and “began to indiscriminately fire.
  • The suspect, identified as a disgruntled city employee, was killed in a shootout with police.
  • ” He fired on police officers when they arrived on the scene, injuring one officer in the process, and was killed when police returned fire.


O autoru

Glavni urednik zadataka

Glavni urednik zadatka je Oleg Siziakov

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