WTTC: Putovanja i turizam na putu oporavka

WTTC: On the road to recovery
WTTC na putu oporavka

As the world begins to reopen to travel and tourism, meetings and conferences – in person, it is important to recognize how being accessible will launch business in the right direction.


  1. Providing accessible travel is both a social imperative and a business opportunity.
  2. WTTC has prepared important guidelines based on the frameworks of leaders, experts, and government organizations.
  3. The guidelines follow a similar structure to the High-Level Inclusion & Diversity Guidelines and Mental Health Guidelines.

Svjetsko vijeće za putovanja i turizam (WTTC) today launched its new high-level guidelines for inclusion and accessibility in the sector which focus on the experience of travelers with disabilities and will help make the Travel & Tourism sector a more inclusive space.

These innovative and important guidelines were compiled on the basis of insights and frameworks developed by private sector leaders in Travel & Tourism, travel and disability experts, and research from intergovernmental organizations.

Divided into four pillars, the guidelines follow a similar structure to the High-Level Inclusion & Diversity Guidelines and Mental Health Guidelines WTTC released over the past six months.

The four key pillars include:


  • Turistički savjet (WTTC) today launched its new high-level guidelines for inclusion and accessibility in the sector which focus on the experience of travelers with disabilities and will help make the Travel &.
  • These innovative and important guidelines were compiled on the basis of insights and frameworks developed by private sector leaders in Travel &.
  • Divided into four pillars, the guidelines follow a similar structure to the High-Level Inclusion &.

O autoru

Linda Hohnholz, urednica eTN-a

Linda Hohnholz piše i uređuje članke od početka svoje radne karijere. Primijenila je ovu urođenu strast na mjestima kao što su Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, Hawaii Children's Discovery Center, a sada i TravelNewsGroup.

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