10 najpopularnijih turističkih destinacija na TikToku

10 najpopularnijih turističkih destinacija na TikToku
Napisao Harry Johnson

Within the last year or so, many people have taken to TikTok as a way to escape to faraway destinations through their favorite influencers and travel accounts.

  1. New York City is the most trending TikTok travel destination.
  2. Dubai is the second most popular destination.
  3. Surprising is Turkey’s second largest city of Istanbul in the number three slot.


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O autoru

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson je bio urednik zadatka eTurboNews za mroe od 20 godina. Živi u Honoluluu na Havajima, a porijeklom je iz Evrope. Uživa u pisanju i pokrivanju vijesti.

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