Turizam Jamajke traži ideje od globalnih lidera za oporavak nakon pandemije

Jesu li budući putnici dio generacije-C?
slika ljubaznošću Ministarstva turizma Jamajke

Ministar turizma Jamajke i predsjedavajući Radne grupe Organizacije američkih država na visokoj razini Edmund Bartlett, poziva na kontinuiranu razmjenu između država članica i industrije kako bi se finalizirao praktičan i dinamičan akcioni plan oporavka za industriju krstarenja i avio-kompanije u postu - faza pandemije.

  1. A practical and dynamic recovery action plan requires a multi-dimensional approach to the various elements of recovery.
  2. The call today is for the continued exchange between member states and industry – we must hear all voices.
  3. Harmonization of protocols, sustainable tourism, successful public-private partnerships, increased investments, and destination assurance must be the approach.

These remarks were made earlier today, during a virtual meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Tourism (CITUR) Working Group, organized by the OAS. The Minister was represented by the Ministry of Tourism’s Director of Tourism Trade and International Relations, Tyesha Turner.

“My call today is for the continued exchange between Member States and industry – we must hear all voices. I further urge an investigative approach to the proposed recommendations and tools for our region juxtaposed against similar tools and recommendations in other regions and the implications on interregional travel which is the mainstay of our tourism revenue,” said Turner on the Minister’s behalf.

“A practical and dynamic recovery action plan requires a multi-dimensional approach to the various elements of recovery – harmonization of protocols, including bio-sanitary and entry protocols; sustainable tourism with consideration for the environment; successful public-private partnerships; increased investments and destination assurance. Such an approach should facilitate and promote a comprehensive, holistic, far-reaching, and effective plan to move us towards our goals,” she added.

She stressed that Minister Bartlett is urging members to incorporate a practical and dynamic recovery action plan which uses a multi-dimensional approach to the various elements of recovery. This should focus on the harmonization of protocols, including bio-sanitary and entry protocols; sustainable tourism with consideration for the environment; successful public-private partnerships; increased investments and destination assurance.

“Such an approach should facilitate and promote a comprehensive, holistic, far-reaching and effective plan to move us towards our goals,” she said.


  • I further urge an investigative approach to the proposed recommendations and tools for our region juxtaposed against similar tools and recommendations in other regions and the implications on interregional travel which is the mainstay of our tourism revenue,” said Turner on the Minister's behalf.
  • She stressed that Minister Bartlett is urging members to incorporate a practical and dynamic recovery action plan which uses a multi-dimensional approach to the various elements of recovery.
  • “A practical and dynamic recovery action plan requires a multi-dimensional approach to the various elements of recovery – harmonization of protocols, including bio-sanitary and entry protocols.


O autoru

Linda Hohnholz, urednica eTN-a

Linda Hohnholz piše i uređuje članke od početka svoje radne karijere. Primijenila je ovu urođenu strast na mjestima kao što su Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, Hawaii Children's Discovery Center, a sada i TravelNewsGroup.

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